Bacon Cajun Ranch McCrispy Chicken Sandwich


title: Bacon Cajun Ranch McCrispy Chicken Sandwich
creator: McDonald's
medium: food
genre: chicken sandwich
size: idk about the same size as any other mcdonald's chicken sandwich
rating: positive
recommended? maybe
relevant links:

this review is like a month late given that this sandwich was a limited time promotion but whatever (i guess this is one of the bad things about only updating once a month).
it's a pretty standard fried chicken sandwich with bacon and cajun ranch, like it says on the tin.
i don't think they did anything special to either the chicken or the bacon, so the only real unique thing is the cajun ranch, which is somewhat unique, but not entirely too special.
going off of memory, it was slightly spicy (but not overwhelmingly so) and somewhat tangy, which did improve the overall flavor of the sandwich, but again it isn't something that's really gourmet or anything.
i mean, given that it's mcdonald's we're talking about, it's not like they really offer anything that's too good (more so in the sense that it's a fast food chain and they're more focused on that than actually putting out really good food, i will readily admit that i probably eat more mcdonald's than i should sometimes).
but it is still somewhat of a step above some of their other offerings. it's a shame that it was only available as a limited time promotion, but i guess they have to do anything to pump up their sales numbers.
i only got the sandwich twice before the promotion was over, so my experience is somewhat limited, but the first time i got it, the bacon was the cheap, really thin bacon they stick onto sandwiches to try to save as much money as possible.
the second time around the bacon felt more like regular bacon than the first, so maybe they changed how they made it halfway through, or maybe i just got lucky.
either way, the next time they put this out as a promotion, it may or may not be worth trying it out.
depends on how much you like (bacon) chicken sandwiches, i guess.

reviewed: 2024-6-30