

i should really be writing more. not just in regards to this website, but also overall.
i really want to do something creative, but i'm no good at art (although in reality i probably haven't really ever made a real attempt at trying to learn art), and a lot of people are better than me in music.
i'm not that good at writing either, but i feel like this is probably the most natural for me, so let's hope that i actually stick with something for once and see where i go from here.
that is, if i actually force myself to consistently write.
hey, at least i'm still keeping up the monthly schedule (even if today is the second to last day of the month whoops).

how can people bear to be creative?
every time you make something, a piece of yourself is shown to the world,
and the rabid dogs of the internet choose what to take or leave behind.

i actually wrote two complete logs and one incomplete log prior to this one, but i'm not sure if i'll post either of them (obviously i'm not posting the incomplete one).
both are relatively personal, and i'm still not sure how much of my personal life i want to divulge to the internet, even if there isn't anyone on the other end reading it for the vast majority of the time.
on the one hand, this entire website's creation is to document my personal life, and choosing not to post something just because it's too personal seems kind of counterintuitive.
on the other hand, my brother's girlfriend accidentally mentioned that she found my dad's court records. she even found video footage of the trial.
i didn't even remember that my dad had gone to court until she reminded me.
i hope she doesn't find this. or maybe i actually do want her to find this. i'm not entirely sure.

if you're my brother's girlfriend,
hello. thanks for stopping by.
i hope my brother's been treating you well/you've been treating my brother well.
please don't dox me.