2023-12-28: on the creation of this website


people often say that anything you post on the internet will be available forever.
this is usually supposed to be a warning, in that you really don't want to be posting anything embarassing on the internet in case it'll haunt you in the future,
but in a way, it's kind of a comfort to know that there'll be something left behind once you're gone,
even if that something is a social media account.
i don't have any social media accounts.
at least, i don't have any standard social media accounts where i post about myself.
no instagram, no snapchat, no tikok, no twitter (literally no one unironically calls it "x"), etc.
i have a discord, but i only really use it for direct messages or small friends-only servers.
aside from a linkedin account that solely serves as application fodder,
i don't have any posts that really reflect myself.
so in lieu of a regular social media account plastered with pictures of myself,
here's this website.
i'm no good at graphical design, so it'll look pretty basic and probably will stay that way,
but then again, the purpose of this website isn't really to look pretty, but to be a record of my existence in the same way regular social media accounts are.
man, the more i write about this, the more cringe it sounds, but then again, writing about myself usually ends up being cringe anyways.
maybe i'll look back on this one day and comment about how much i changed (or didn't),
but i guess this is it for now.